Musim Mas

Indonesia8 January 2020 – Musim Mas is once again in the forefront of the Palm Oil industry at this year’s PROPER Awards Ceremony, attaining 12 out of 21 Green PROPER Awards amongst a total of 125 prospective candidates from the Palm Oil Sector. Amongst all Palm Oil group companies receiving the Green PROPER 2019 Awards, Musim Mas took home the most number of awards. Musim Mas also broke last year’s accomplishment, where we clinched 11 PROPER Awards accorded by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).

This year, PT Unggul Lestari joins the ranks of Musim Mas subsidiaries to achieve the Green PROPER Awards. We have been preparing PT Unggul Lestari as a prospective candidate for the Green PROPER Awards, and when it was nominated to participate in PROPER, we were well equipped and provided the necessary documents needed immediately.

Musim Mas subsidiaries, PT Agrowiratama, PT Bahana Nusa Interindo, PT Berkat Sawit Sejati, PT Indomakmur Sawit Berjaya, PT Maju Aneka Sawit, PT Musim Mas PKS Batang Kulim, PT Musim Mas PKS Pangkalan Lesung, PT Sinar Agro Raya, PT Siringo Ringo, PT Sukajadi Sawit Mekar PKS SSM1 and PT Sukajadi Sawit Mekar PKS SSM2 also maintained their ranking to receive the Green PROPER awards again.

The PROPER Awards, also known as Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, is a program launched in 1995 with support from the World Bank and United States – Asia Environmental Partnership (USAEP)/ United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to encourage public disclosure of Indonesian companies’ environmental performance, across all industries. This is to help increase compliance to existing regulations and incentivise companies to go beyond regulatory requirements.

PROPER has a five color-coded assessment rating scheme – Gold, Green, Blue, Red and Black. With Gold and Green ratings awarded to companies that exemplify best practices by going beyond the standard of legal requirements, and black ratings indicating the lowest in performance level.

“With the increasing need for companies to be accountable for clean, sustainable operations and supply chains, Musim Mas is proud to have participated in PROPER, demonstrating that we go beyond the legal compliance to show our commitment to transparency. We are happy to be leading the Palm Oil industry at the Green PROPER Awards twice in a row, and we will continue to strive towards achieving higher standards and improving our sustainability performance,” said Togar Sitanggang, General Manager, PT Musim Mas.

Representatives of our 12 subsidiaries with the Green PROPER Awards at this year’s ceremony held in Jakarta.

For more information, please contact:

Carolyn Lim
Corporate Communications
+65 6576 4770